Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Launching the “Vision Project”

I have recently conceptualized something I am calling the “vision project”. As I conceive it, this project has three parts: what does our society look like today, and how did we get here; what is the vision for a new society that we would like to see in the future; and, what would be a possible strategy for achieving that future vision.  It is actually based on some thoughts I had prior to the 2016 election and have been playing around with in my head, but up to this point had yet to give it any structure. The project is rough at this point, but will hopefully become more refined as I continue to write.

My sources for the three parts will primarily consist of the various history, politics, economics, sociology, and other social science works that I have read over the past few years. I will also incorporate some insights from my own lived experiences, as well as from the colleagues and activists I have worked with and continue to work alongside.

I do not expect that whatever I end up proposing in this series will represent a complete analysis of, or a silver-bullet solution to, the myriad of problems our society faces. My intention is simply to better articulate, in writing, the ideas that have been swirling around in my head for a while and share them publicly. If it ends up changing someone’s opinion on a topic, or even amends their worldview a bit, that would certainly be welcome, but that is not the goal I am setting out with.